3.1 Pattern 3: Playing with the downsides of your opponent’s values

Course subject(s) 3. The game of framing and reframing, part 2

In our discussion of the 3P model we referred to the differences between the three Ps: policy, principles (or values) and personality. This week will develop this further by focussing on two of these Ps: policy and principles (or values). First, the disadvantages of your opponent’s values can be activated.


Episode 5: Playing with the downsides of your opponent’s values


360p | 720p | 1080p | subtitles | transcript

Main takeaways:

  • Often, you cannot object to politicians’ values.
  • The downsides of these values may irritate us.
  • Activate the downsides of these values in your frame and make their consequences for policy concrete.
  • Are you confronted by an opponent who frames you in this way? Reframe by highlighting the downsides of your opponent’s values and by making their consequences for policy concrete.

Margaret Thatcher, November 22 1990, full speech can be found here.

Creative Commons License
Framing by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/framing/.
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