Dr. Reinier van der Veen

My name is Reinier van der Veen and I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands). I work in the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM), in the section of Energy & Industry.

I have obtained my bachelor, master and PhD degree at Delft University, faculty of TPM. My PhD thesis, which I completed in 2012, is about the institutional design of electricity balancing markets in Europe. In 2012 I started up a post-doctoral research within the EU FP7 project “Servicising Policy for a Resource Efficient Economy (SPREE)”, in which I have mainly been involved in the development and application of a generic agent-based model to explore the potential impact of servicising policy (policy that promotes the shift towards a service economy) on absolute decoupling, i.e. economic growth in combination with reduced environmental impacts. The project has ended in June 2015. Currently, I am looking for possibilities to further develop research on sustainable economies using the methodology of agent-based modelling.

In the PEARL project, I am contributing to a flood risk assessment ontology within Work Package 3, together with my colleagues Dr Igor Nikolic and Dr Amineh Ghorbani. The ontology will be a conceptual framework presenting the relevant concepts, definitions and interrelations within PEARL. It may be useful as a shared knowledge base, but also as the conceptual foundation of several agent-based models that are being developed in the project.

Although I was born in Amsterdam, I have lived in Delft for most of my life. I love the city and would be happy to show you around!

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