At TU Delft, you can choose from a whole range of Bachelor and Master degree programmes, as well as postgraduate courses including PhDs. All the programmes encourage and demand critical thought and creativity. TU Delft’s excellent research and education standards are backed by outstanding facilities, research institutes and research schools. Please use the filter menu below to browse through course materials, based on their program, level and nature.
Aerospace Engineering (2)
Aerospace Engineering (1)
Forensic Engineering: Learning from Failures
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) Infrastructures and Mobility
- Aerospace Engineering (1)
Forensic Engineering: Learning from Failures
Aerospace Structures & Materials (1)
Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) SustainabilityEnvironment
- Aerospace Structures & Materials (1)
Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation
Applied Earth Sciences (1)
Applied Mathematics (1)
Pre-University Calculus
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) BachelorHigh School
- Applied Mathematics (1)
Pre-University Calculus
Applied Science (4)
- Advanced Transport Phenomena
Biobased Products for a Sustainable (Bio)economy
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) Sustainability
- The Basics of Transport Phenomena
Topology in Condensed Matter
Program(s) Master
- Applied Science (4)
Architecture (12)
Building Inclusive Cities: Tackling Urban Inequality and Segregation
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) SustainabilityEnvironment
- Citizens Co-creating Sustainable Cities
- Engineering Design for Circular Economy
Healthy ageing in 6 steps – Let your environment do the work
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) High SchoolBachelor
- IMAGE | ABILITY – Visualizing the Unimaginable
- Managing Building Adaptation: a Sustainable Approach
Models in Architecture – Design through Physical & Digital Models
Level(s) MOOC TU Delft
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) Infrastructures and Mobility
Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions
Level(s) MOOC TU Delft
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) EnvironmentSustainability
- Rethink the City: New Approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges
Sustainable Urban Development
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) Sustainability
Urban Design for the Public Good: Dutch Urbanism
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) Infrastructures and Mobility
Zero-Energy Design: an approach to make your building sustainable
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) SustainabilityEnergy
- Architecture (12)
Building Inclusive Cities: Tackling Urban Inequality and Segregation
Bachelor (19)
- AI in Practice: Applying AI
AI in Practice: Preparing for AI
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) Sustainability
- AI skills – Introduction to Unsupervised, Deep and Reinforcement Learning
- AI skills for engineers: Data creation and collection
- AI skills for Engineers: Supervised Machine Learning
Building Inclusive Cities: Tackling Urban Inequality and Segregation
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) SustainabilityEnvironment
Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) EnvironmentSustainability
Critical Raw Materials: Managing Resources for a Sustainable Future
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) Sustainability
- Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Introduction to Structured Expert Judgment
Energy Demand in Buildings
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) SustainabilityEnergy
- Energy Supply Systems for Buildings
- Inclusive Energy Systems: Exploring Sustainable Energy for All
- Introductie productontwerpen – van probleem tot prototype
Pre-University Physics
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) EnvironmentInfrastructures and MobilityEnergy
- Project MARCH: behind the technology of robotic exoskeletons
Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) Infrastructures and Mobility
Smart Grids: Modeling
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) EnergySustainability
Smart Grids: The Basics
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) SustainabilityEnergy
- Unix Tools: Data, Software and Production Engineering
- Bachelor (19)
Biomedical Engineering (1)
Forensic Engineering: Learning from Failures
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) Infrastructures and Mobility
- Biomedical Engineering (1)
Forensic Engineering: Learning from Failures
Biotechnology (1)
Technology for Biobased Products
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) EnvironmentSustainability
- Biotechnology (1)
Technology for Biobased Products
Chemical Engineering (2)
Industrial Biotechnology
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) Sustainability
- Understanding Nuclear Energy
- Chemical Engineering (2)
Industrial Biotechnology
Civil Engineering (3)
Civil Engineering (7)
Beyond Engineering: Building with Nature
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) EnvironmentSustainability
- Engineering: Building with Nature
Forensic Engineering: Learning from Failures
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) Infrastructures and Mobility
- Observation Theory: Estimating the Unknown
- Project Management: mastering complexity
Railway Engineering: An Integral Approach
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) MasterBachelor
Theme(s) Infrastructures and Mobility
- Treatment of Urban Sewage
- Civil Engineering (7)
Beyond Engineering: Building with Nature
Computer Science and Engineering (5)
Computer Science (10)
- Data Analysis: Building your own Business Dashboard
Data Analysis: Take it to the MAX
Program(s) Master
- Data Analysis: Visualization and Dashboard Design
- Introduction to Functional Programming
- Programmeren voor leerkrachten met Scratch
- Quantum Cryptography
Scratch: Programmeren voor kinderen (8+)
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) High SchoolMaster
Only available in Dutch
Scratch: Programming for Kids (8+)
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) MasterHigh School
- Scratch: Programming for Teachers
- Unix Tools: Data, Software and Production Engineering
- Computer Science (10)
Electrical Engineering (2)
Electrical Engineering (7)
- Electric Cars: Introduction
Electric Cars: Technology
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) Sustainability
Solar Energy
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) EnergySustainability
- Solar Energy Engineering: Photovoltaic Energy Conversion
- Solar Energy: Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids
Solar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) Technologies
Level(s) MOOC TU Delft
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) SustainabilityEnergyEnvironment
- Sustainable Energy: Design A Renewable Future
- Electrical Engineering (7)
Industrial Design Engineering (6)
Circular Economy
Level(s) MOOC TU Delft
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) Sustainability
- Delft Design Approach
- Design in Healthcare: Using Patient Journey Mapping
- Design Practice in Business
Models in Architecture – Design through Physical & Digital Models
Level(s) MOOC TU Delft
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) Infrastructures and Mobility
Sustainable Packaging in a Circular Economy
Level(s) MOOC TU Delft
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) Sustainability
- Industrial Design Engineering (6)
Circular Economy
Information Skills MSc (1)
Master (11)
- Comfort and Health in Buildings
Designing a Climate-Neutral World: An Introduction
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) EnvironmentSustainabilityEnergy
Designing a Climate-Neutral World: Taking Action
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) EnergySustainabilityEnvironment
Designing Climate-Neutral buildings and transport
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) EnvironmentSustainability
Designing Climate-Neutral Industry and Electricity Generation
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) EnergyEnvironmentSustainability
Efficient HVAC Systems
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) EnergyInfrastructures and Mobility
Façade design and engineering: complexity made simple
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) Sustainability
- Fundamentals of Quantum Information
Modern Distributed Systems
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) Infrastructures and Mobility
Multidisciplinary Research Methods for Engineers
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) EnergyEnvironmentHealthInfrastructures and MobilitySustainabilityWater
Water Works: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) WaterSustainability
- Master (11)
Mathematics (2)
Mechanical Engineering (3)
Mechanical Engineering (1)
Waste Management and Critical Raw Materials
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) Sustainability
- Mechanical Engineering (1)
Waste Management and Critical Raw Materials
Secondary Education Modules (1)
Pre-University Calculus
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) BachelorHigh School
- Secondary Education Modules (1)
Pre-University Calculus
Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis & Management (1)
Next Generation Infrastructures
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) Infrastructures and MobilityEnergy
- Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis & Management (1)
Next Generation Infrastructures
Technology, Policy and Management (24)
- Big Data Strategies to Transform Your Business
- Business Model Implementation
- Business Model Metrics and Advanced Tools
- Business Model Testing
- Citizens Co-creating Sustainable Cities
Communicating Effectively: How to Inspire and Convince
Program(s) Bachelor
Creative Problem Solving and Decision making
Program(s) Bachelor
- Cyber Security Economics
- Effective Decision Making: Dealing with Business Complexity
- Electric Cars: Business
- Electric Cars: Introduction
Electric Cars: Policy
Level(s) MOOC
Program(s) Bachelor
Theme(s) Sustainability
- Entrepreneurship for Engineers
- Entrepreneurship for Global Challenges in Emerging Markets
- How to Design a Successful Business Model
- Influencing Stakeholders: Dealing with Power and Dynamics in Teams and Networks
- Leadership for Engineers
- Mind of the Universe: Robots in Society – Blessing or Curse?
- Open Government
- Project Management of Engineering Projects: Preparing for Success
- Responsible Innovation
- Responsible Innovation: Building Tomorrow’s Responsible Firms
- The Quantum Internet and Quantum Computers: How Will They Change the World?
- The Value of Business Models
- Technology, Policy and Management (24)
Various (3)
Healthy ageing in 6 steps – Let your environment do the work
Level(s) MOOC TU Delft
Program(s) High SchoolBachelor
Scratch: Programmeren voor kinderen (8+)
Level(s) MOOC TU Delft
Program(s) High SchoolMaster
Only available in Dutch
Scratch: Programming for Kids (8+)
Level(s) MOOC TU Delft
Program(s) MasterHigh School
- Various (3)
Healthy ageing in 6 steps – Let your environment do the work
Watermanagement (4)
Introduction to Drinking Water Treatment
Level(s) MOOC TU Delft
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) WaterHealth
Introduction to Water and Climate
Level(s) MOOC TU Delft
Program(s) Master
Theme(s) EnvironmentWater
- Room for Rivers: Perspectives on River Basin Management
- Treatment of Urban Sewage
- Watermanagement (4)
Introduction to Drinking Water Treatment
Teachers (261)
- Mark de Reuver
A. Akhmerov
Course(s) Topology in Condensed Matter
Gül Aktürk
Course(s) Water Works: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development
René Alderliesten
Course(s) Introduction to Aerospace Engineering IIIntroduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials
Carmen Almudever
Course(s) Fundamentals of Quantum InformationThe Building Blocks of a Quantum Computer: Part 2
R. Anderson
Course(s) Cyber Security Economics
Maricke Angenent
Course(s) Project MARCH: behind the technology of robotic exoskeletons
Maurício Aniche
Course(s) Automated Software Testing: Advanced Skills for Java DevelopersAutomated Software Testing: Practical Skills for Java Developers
Isabel Arends
Course(s) Industrial BiotechnologyTechnology for Biobased Products
Taneha Bacchin
Course(s) Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions
Mohamed Baioumy
Course(s) Hello (Real) World with ROS – Robot Operating System
Conny Bakker
Course(s) Circular EconomySustainable Packaging in a Circular Economy
Hans Bakker
Course(s) Project Management of Engineering Projects: Preparing for SuccessProject Management: mastering complexity
- Ruud Balkenende
- Natalia Barbour
P. Bauer
Course(s) Electric Cars: IntroductionElectric Cars: TechnologyElectrical Power DrivesSolar Energy: Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids
Koen Bertels
Course(s) The Building Blocks of a Quantum Computer: Part 1The Building Blocks of a Quantum Computer: Part 2
- G. Bertotti
Mukunda Bharatheesha
Course(s) Hello (Real) World with ROS – Robot Operating System
Jordi Bieger
Course(s) Mind of the Universe: Robots in Society – Blessing or Curse?
Marcel Bilow
Course(s) Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built EnvironmentFaçade design and engineering: complexity made simple
Kornelis Blok
Course(s) Designing a Climate-Neutral World: An IntroductionDesigning a Climate-Neutral World: Taking ActionDesigning Climate-Neutral buildings and transport
Esther Blom
Course(s) Entrepreneurship for Global Challenges in Emerging Markets
Philomena M. Bluyssen
Course(s) Comfort and Health in Buildings
- Inge Bobbink
Marian Bosch-Rekveldt
Course(s) Project Management of Engineering Projects: Preparing for SuccessProject Management: mastering complexity
Harry Bouwman
Course(s) Business Model ImplementationBusiness Model Metrics and Advanced ToolsBusiness Model TestingHow to Design a Successful Business ModelThe Value of Business Models
Siebe Broersma
Course(s) Zero-Energy Design: an approach to make your building sustainable
J.A. de Bruijn
Course(s) Communicating Effectively: How to Inspire and ConvinceEffective Decision Making: Dealing with Business ComplexityInfluencing Stakeholders: Dealing with Power and Dynamics in Teams and NetworksLeadership for Engineers
Leo van den Burg
Course(s) Building Inclusive Cities: Tackling Urban Inequality and SegregationUrban Design for the Public Good: Dutch Urbanism
R. Böhme
Course(s) Cyber Security Economics
Wendelin Böhmer
Course(s) AI skills – Introduction to Unsupervised, Deep and Reinforcement Learning
Giulia Calabretta
Course(s) Design Practice in Business
Pinar Cankurtaran
Course(s) Design Practice in Business
Gautham Ram Chandra Mouli
Course(s) Electric Cars: Technology
Gautham Ram Chandra Mouli
Course(s) Technology of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems
P. Cirillo
Course(s) Introduction to Credit Risk Management
Roger Cooke
Course(s) Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Introduction to Structured Expert Judgment
Carlos Hernandez Corbato
Course(s) Hello (Real) World with ROS – Robot Operating System
- Ben Criger
S.W. Cunningham
Course(s) Big Data Strategies to Transform Your BusinessPolicy and Decision Models
Milos Cvetkovic
Course(s) Technology of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems
J. Daalhuizen
Course(s) Delft Design ApproachIntroductie productontwerpen – van probleem tot prototype
Tianchen Dai
Course(s) Water Works: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development
Christine De Lille
Course(s) Design Practice in Business
Paolo De Martino
Course(s) Water Works: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development
Irene Dedoussi
Course(s) Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation
- Leo DiCarlo
- Ibrahim Diab
- Abdoulaye Diakite
Virginia Dignum
Course(s) Mind of the Universe: Robots in Society – Blessing or Curse?
- Rients Dijkstra
- Rolf Dollevoet
B. van den Dries
Course(s) Pre-University Calculus
M.J.G. van Eeten
Course(s) Cyber Security Economics
Boris Eisenbart
Course(s) Design Practice in Business
David Elkouss
Course(s) Fundamentals of Quantum InformationThe Building Blocks of a Quantum Computer: Part 2
Amira Elnouty
Course(s) AI skills – Introduction to Unsupervised, Deep and Reinforcement Learning
- Marjolein van Esch
Irene Fernandez Villegas
Course(s) Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation
Ujwal Gadiraju
Course(s) AI skills for engineers: Data creation and collection
Arvind Gangoli Rao
Course(s) Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation
C.H. Gañán
Course(s) Cyber Security Economics
N.C. van de Giesen
Course(s) Inleiding WatermanagementIntegrated Water ManagementIntroduction to Water and Climate
Richard Goossens
Course(s) Design in Healthcare: Using Patient Journey Mapping
Joost Groot Kormelink
Course(s) Responsible Innovation: Building Tomorrow’s Responsible Firms
Digvijay Gusain
Course(s) Smart Grids: Modeling
Timber Haaker
Course(s) Business Model ImplementationBusiness Model TestingHow to Design a Successful Business ModelThe Value of Business Models
- Timber Haaker
A.R.C. de Haan
Course(s) Creative Problem Solving and Decision makingEffective Decision Making: Dealing with Business Complexity
Ulf Hackauf
Course(s) Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment
Peter Hamersma
Course(s) Advanced Transport PhenomenaThe Basics of Transport Phenomena
Anca Hanea
Course(s) Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Introduction to Structured Expert Judgment
- Ramon Hanssen
Mirjam Harmelink
Course(s) Designing a Climate-Neutral World: Taking ActionDesigning Climate-Neutral buildings and transport
Dap Hartmann
Course(s) Entrepreneurship for Engineers
B. Hausleitner
Course(s) Building Inclusive Cities: Tackling Urban Inequality and Segregation
Sef Heijnen
Course(s) Industrial BiotechnologyTechnology for Biobased Products
Carola Hein
Course(s) Water Works: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development
John Heintz
Course(s) Managing Building Adaptation: a Sustainable Approach
T. Herdt
Course(s) Building Inclusive Cities: Tackling Urban Inequality and Segregation
F. Hermans
Course(s) Data Analysis: Building your own Business DashboardData Analysis: Take it to the MAXData Analysis: Visualization and Dashboard DesignProgrammeren voor leerkrachten met ScratchScratch: Programmeren voor kinderen (8+)Scratch: Programming for Kids (8+)Scratch: Programming for Teachers
Marcel Hertogh
Course(s) Project Management of Engineering Projects: Preparing for SuccessProject Management: mastering complexity
Erwin Heurkens
Course(s) Managing Building Adaptation: a Sustainable Approach
E.F. ten Heuvelhof
Course(s) Next Generation Infrastructures
J.M. Hoekstra
Course(s) Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering IIntroduction to Aerospace Engineering I
- Auke Hoekstra
MaartenJan Hoekstra
Course(s) Building Inclusive Cities: Tackling Urban Inequality and Segregation
- Frank Hollmann
Maurice Hoogreef
Course(s) Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation
Alessandra Hool
Course(s) Critical Raw Materials: Managing Resources for a Sustainable Future
M. J. van den Hoven
Course(s) Responsible Innovation
Victor Hugo Sánchez Espinoza
Course(s) Understanding Nuclear Energy
Hennie Huijgens
Course(s) AI in Practice: Preparing for AI
Erik Jan Hultink
Course(s) Design Practice in Business
Paola Ibarra Gonzalez
Course(s) Designing Climate-Neutral Industry and Electricity Generation
Timon Idema
Course(s) Pre-University Physics
Alexandru Iosup
Course(s) Modern Distributed Systems
Olindo Isabella
Course(s) Solar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
Laure Itard
Course(s) Comfort and Health in BuildingsEfficient HVAC SystemsEnergy Demand in BuildingsEnergy Supply Systems for Buildings
Marijn Janssen
Course(s) Big Data Strategies to Transform Your BusinessOpen GovernmentOpen Science: Sharing your research with the worldSmart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance
Johan Joubert
Course(s) Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: a Global Perspective
Jeroen Kalkman
Course(s) Pre-University Physics
Marleen Keijzer
Course(s) Mathematical Modeling Basics
Hanne Kekkonen
Course(s) AI skills for Engineers: Supervised Machine Learning
Tillmann Klein
Course(s) Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment
Frans Klijn
Course(s) Room for Rivers: Perspectives on River Basin Management
J.L. Kloosterman
Course(s) Understanding Nuclear Energy
Ulrich Knaack
Course(s) Façade design and engineering: complexity made simple
Rudy Konings
Course(s) Understanding Nuclear Energy
Thaleia Konstantinou
Course(s) Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment
Jelle Koolwijk
Course(s) Managing Building Adaptation: a Sustainable Approach
- M.K. de Kreuk
J.O. Kroesen
Course(s) Entrepreneurship for Global Challenges in Emerging Markets
Dana Krueger
Course(s) Leadership for Engineers
Liedewij Laan
Course(s) Pre-University Physics
Filippo Lafleur
Course(s) Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions
Luca Laurenti
Course(s) AI skills – Introduction to Unsupervised, Deep and Reinforcement Learning
Els Leclercq
Course(s) Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment
Pieter Ligthart
Course(s) Leadership for Engineers
Darinka Czischke Ljubetic
Course(s) Rethink the City: New Approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges
- Arjo Loeve
Armin Lohrengel
Course(s) Engineering Design for Circular Economy
Francesco Lombardi
Course(s) Designing Climate-Neutral Industry and Electricity Generation
Edimara Luciano
Course(s) Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance
Sofia Lukszo
Course(s) Electric Cars: Policy
- Bart Meeuwissen
E. Meijer
Course(s) Introduction to Functional Programming
Joris Melkert
Course(s) Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation
Rijk Mercuur
Course(s) Mind of the Universe: Robots in Society – Blessing or Curse?
Ellen Minkman
Course(s) Room for Rivers: Perspectives on River Basin Management
T. Moore
Course(s) Cyber Security Economics
Rob Mudde
Course(s) The Basics of Transport Phenomena
Robert Mudde
Course(s) Advanced Transport Phenomena
Tina Nane
Course(s) Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Introduction to Structured Expert Judgment
- Jannes Nelissen
Henk Noorman
Course(s) Industrial BiotechnologyTechnology for Biobased Products
Alfredo Nunez Vicencio
Course(s) AI skills – Introduction to Unsupervised, Deep and Reinforcement Learning
Patricia Osseweijer
Course(s) Biobased Products for a Sustainable (Bio)economyIndustrial Biotechnology
Sander Otte
Course(s) Pre-University Physics
Mariette Overschie
Course(s) Building Inclusive Cities: Tackling Urban Inequality and SegregationSustainable Urban Development
J. Pagnier
Course(s) Communicating Effectively: How to Inspire and Convince
- Peter Palensky
Kaikai Pan
Course(s) Smart Grids: The Basics
David Peck
Course(s) Circular EconomyCritical Raw Materials: Managing Resources for a Sustainable FutureEngineering Design for Circular EconomyWaste Management and Critical Raw Materials
Igor Pessoa
Course(s) Rethink the City: New Approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges
- Emile Peters
Stefan Pfenninger
Course(s) Designing Climate-Neutral Industry and Electricity Generation
Stefaan Pommé
Course(s) Understanding Nuclear Energy
Ivo Pothof
Course(s) Technology of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems
Max Prumbohm
Course(s) Engineering Design for Circular Economy
Mar Pérez-Fortes
Course(s) Designing Climate-Neutral Industry and Electricity Generation
Laura Ramirez Elizondo
Course(s) Solar Energy: Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids
Surya Ramkumar
Course(s) Leadership for Engineers
Calvin Rans
Course(s) Aerospace Mechanics of MaterialsIntroduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials
Jan Rellermeyer
Course(s) Modern Distributed Systems
Hilde Remoy
Course(s) Managing Building Adaptation: a Sustainable Approach
Frank Rieck
Course(s) Electric Cars: BusinessElectric Cars: Introduction
L.C. Rietveld
Course(s) Inleiding Civiele TechniekIntroduction to Drinking Water Treatment
Huub Rijnaarts
Course(s) Citizens Co-creating Sustainable CitiesSustainable Urban Development
Roberto Rocco
Course(s) Rethink the City: New Approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges
Stefaan Rodts
Course(s) Leadership for Engineers
Remon Rooij
Course(s) Healthy ageing in 6 steps – Let your environment do the workUrban Design for the Public Good: Dutch Urbanism
José Rueda Torres
Course(s) Smart Grids: The Basics
H.W.J. Russchenberg
Course(s) Introduction to Water and Climate
Martine Rutten
Course(s) Room for Rivers: Perspectives on River Basin Management
Arnout Sabbe
Course(s) Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment
- Sami Samiei Esfahany
Bruno Santos
Course(s) Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation
G.N. Saunders-Smits
Course(s) Introduction to Aerospace Structures and MaterialsMultidisciplinary Research Methods for EngineersResearch Methodologies
H.H.G. Savenije
Course(s) HydrologieHydrology of catchments, rivers and deltasIntroduction to Water and Climate
Victor Scholten
Course(s) Entrepreneurship for Engineers
- M. Schophuizen
- Michiel Schuurman
Fabio Sebastiano
Course(s) Fundamentals of Quantum InformationThe Building Blocks of a Quantum Computer: Part 2
Dirk Sijmons
Course(s) Room for Rivers: Perspectives on River Basin Management
J. Sinke
Course(s) Introduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials
Jill Slinger
Course(s) Beyond Engineering: Building with NatureEngineering: Building with Nature
A.H.M. Smets
Course(s) Solar EnergySolar Energy Engineering: Photovoltaic Energy ConversionSolar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) TechnologiesSustainable Energy: Design A Renewable Future
Mo Smit
Course(s) Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment
Dirk Snelders
Course(s) Design Practice in Business
- M. Specht
Marc Spiller
Course(s) Sustainable Urban Development
Diomidis Spinellis
Course(s) Unix Tools: Data, Software and Production Engineering
Dominic Stead
Course(s) Rethink the City: New Approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges
Roland Steinmetz
Course(s) Electric Cars: Business
Martijn Stellingwerff
Course(s) IMAGE | ABILITY – Visualizing the UnimaginableModels in Architecture – Design through Physical & Digital Models
Britt Sticker
Course(s) Project MARCH: behind the technology of robotic exoskeletons
M. Stive
Course(s) Engineering: Building with NatureIntroduction to Water and Climate
R.A.C.M.M. van Swaaij
Course(s) Advanced Device PhysicsSolar Energy Engineering: Photovoltaic Energy Conversion
Lóránt Tavasszy
Course(s) Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: a Global Perspective
Tharsis Teoh
Course(s) Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: a Global Perspective
- Barbara Terhal
- Karel Terwel
Julie Teuwen
Course(s) Introduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials
Russell Thompson
Course(s) Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: a Global Perspective
R. Ubarevičienė
Course(s) Building Inclusive Cities: Tackling Urban Inequality and Segregation
- Dirk Ulijn
Florian Unseld
Course(s) Fundamentals of Quantum Information
Arjen Vaartjes
Course(s) Fundamentals of Quantum Information
L.M.K. Vandersypen
Course(s) Quantum Information ProcessingThe Building Blocks of a Quantum Computer: Part 1The Quantum Internet and Quantum Computers: How Will They Change the World?
Carmine Varriale
Course(s) Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation
Ravi Vasudevan
Course(s) Solar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
Menno Veldhorst
Course(s) Fundamentals of Quantum InformationThe Building Blocks of a Quantum Computer: Part 1The Quantum Internet and Quantum Computers: How Will They Change the World?
Luz Maria Vergara d’Alençon
Course(s) Rethink the City: New Approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges
- A.A. Verhagen
Gabriela Viale Pereira
Course(s) Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance
Thomas Vidick
Course(s) Quantum Cryptography
Tom Viering
Course(s) AI skills – Introduction to Unsupervised, Deep and Reinforcement LearningAI skills for Engineers: Supervised Machine Learning
- Jos Vlugter
Roelof Vos
Course(s) Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation
Kees Vuik
Course(s) Mathematical Modeling Basics
Marnix Wagemaker
Course(s) Electric Cars: Technology
- Aljoscha Wahl
Alexander Wandl
Course(s) Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment
Hongrui Wang
Course(s) AI skills – Introduction to Unsupervised, Deep and Reinforcement Learning
Ken Webster
Course(s) Circular Economy
Stijn van Weegberg
Course(s) Project MARCH: behind the technology of robotic exoskeletons
Stephanie Wehner
Course(s) Quantum CryptographyThe Building Blocks of a Quantum Computer: Part 1The Quantum Internet and Quantum Computers: How Will They Change the World?
M.P.C. Weijnen
Course(s) Electric Cars: IntroductionElectric Cars: PolicyInclusive Energy Systems: Exploring Sustainable Energy for AllNext Generation Infrastructures
- Jan-Henk Welink
Henri Werij
Course(s) Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation
- Dr. C. Werker
Rudi Westendorp
Course(s) Healthy ageing in 6 steps – Let your environment do the work
Luuk van der Wielen
Course(s) Industrial BiotechnologyTechnology for Biobased Products
Nicole Will
Course(s) Open Science: Sharing your research with the world
Martijn Wisse
Course(s) Hello (Real) World with ROS – Robot Operating System
Rick Wolbertus
Course(s) Electric Cars: Business
- J. Wong
Jie Yang
Course(s) AI skills for engineers: Data creation and collection
M. Zeman
Course(s) Solar CellsSolar Energy Engineering: Photovoltaic Energy ConversionSolar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) Technologies
Zenlin Roosenboom-Kwee
Course(s) Responsible Innovation: Building Tomorrow’s Responsible Firms
Kaiyi Zhu
Course(s) Water Works: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development
Anneke Zuiderwijk-van Eijk
Course(s) Open GovernmentOpen Science: Sharing your research with the world
Floortje d’Hont
Course(s) Room for Rivers: Perspectives on River Basin Management
- Janne de Hoop
Michiel de Jong
Course(s) Open Science: Sharing your research with the world
Mark de Reuver
Course(s) Business Model ImplementationBusiness Model TestingHow to Design a Successful Business ModelThe Value of Business Models
Gerdien de Vries
Course(s) Influencing Stakeholders: Dealing with Power and Dynamics in Teams and Networks
Dennis den Ouden-van der Horst
Course(s) Mathematical Modeling Basics
Ellen van Andel
Course(s) Entrepreneurship for Global Challenges in Emerging Markets
David van Bodegom
Course(s) Healthy ageing in 6 steps – Let your environment do the work
A.G.C. van Boeijen
Course(s) Introductie productontwerpen – van probleem tot prototype
Gerard van Bortel
Course(s) Managing Building Adaptation: a Sustainable Approach
Els van Daalen
Course(s) Creative Problem Solving and Decision makingEffective Decision Making: Dealing with Business Complexity
Arie van Deursen
Course(s) AI in Practice: Applying AIAI in Practice: Preparing for AIAutomated Software Testing: Advanced Skills for Java DevelopersAutomated Software Testing: Practical Skills for Java Developers
Ron van Duin
Course(s) Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: a Global Perspective
M. van Ham
Course(s) Building Inclusive Cities: Tackling Urban Inequality and Segregation
J.B. van Lier
Course(s) Treatment of Urban Sewage
- D.M. van Solingen
Course(s) Global Software Engineering
Arjan van Timmeren
Course(s) Nature Based Metropolitan SolutionsSustainable Urban Development
Bert van Wee
Course(s) Electric Cars: Business
Ibo van der Poel
Course(s) Ethical Dilemmas in Professional EngineeringResponsible Innovation: Building Tomorrow’s Responsible Firms
Paula van den Brom
Course(s) Energy Demand in Buildings
Andy van den Dobbelsteen
Course(s) Zero-Energy Design: an approach to make your building sustainable
Eric van den Ham
Course(s) Zero-Energy Design: an approach to make your building sustainable
Gaia van den Heuvel
Course(s) Project MARCH: behind the technology of robotic exoskeletons
Gijs van der Hoorn
Course(s) Hello (Real) World with ROS – Robot Operating System
Geert van der Meulen
Course(s) Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions
Ester van der Voet
Course(s) Critical Raw Materials: Managing Resources for a Sustainable FutureEngineering Design for Circular Economy
Roland van der Vorst
Course(s) Design Practice in Business