Dr. A. Wahl

Aljoscha Wahl is a group leader at the department of biotechnology at TU Delft since 2008. He teaches in the master and bachelor program ‘Life Science and Technology’ as well as post-master courses (Biotech Delft courses ‘Metabolomics for microbial systems biology’ and others). More than 50 students performed their bachelor or master thesis project is his group. He has (co)authored about 45 articles in the field of experimental and theoretical systems biology.

Main interest in his work is microbial metabolism, which is the source of energy and building-blocks for life. How cells distribute resources and react to the environment depends on their metabolic capabilities – the stoichiometry of the metabolic network but also its regulation. Especially under dynamic environments, thus basically all natural environments metabolic regulation closely links with survival and fitness. The group develops approaches to analyze, model and understand metabolic networks and its regulation.

Before joining TU Delft, Aljoscha Wahl worked at the Max-Planck institute in Magdeburg, Germany. Here he studied the production of influenza vaccines using mammalian cells as production systems.

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