In our daily lives we use hundreds or even thousands of products and services. They are all designed, some with more success than others. The ‘Delft Design Approach’ is a structured approach that helps designers to tackle complex design challenges: from formulating a strategic vision, to mapping user behaviors, their needs and their environment, to developing and selecting meaningful proposals for products and services.

DDA691x offers a college-level introduction to the Delft Design Approach through lectures and exercises on design fundamentals and 6 methods. You will understand basic models and concepts that underlie the Delft approach. You will also develop the capability to use 6 basic methods in a design context. You will do so by applying the methods to realistic design challenges and by reflecting on your own performance by comparing it to that of expert designers as well as through peer discussion.

This course has been awarded with the Award for Open Education Excellence in 2015.

Study year: 2014-2015

Introduction to fundamentals and methods of the Delft approach to designing meaningful products and services.

  • How to study users in their own environment;
  • How to translate user insights into a design challenge that will spark creativity;
  • How to create a meaningful design to meet your challenge;
  • How to design and to structure your projects with the support of design thinking, a model and several methods;
  • How to evaluate and present your design.
Creative Commons License
Delft Design Approach by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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