Dr. ir. Winfred Mugge


Throughout my research career, I have advanced the understanding of human movement disorders using a control-theoretical approach. I have developed methods and devices to assess and understand neuromuscular control in both healthy subjects and patients with neurological dysfunction. Key is the use of force-controlled robotic manipulators, neuromuscular modeling, and closed-loop system identification techniques to untangle the human motor control system.

After my MSc (cum laude) in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Biomechatronics and Biorobotics, I performed my PhD project on novel research methods focused on patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). I pioneered novel system identification techniques that enable the quantification of contributions of force, velocity and position feedback to human motor control simultaneously. Evidence for a relation between CRPS and muscle force feedback is compelling. One of my approaches was published in the high-impact Journal of Neuroscience and another is currently being applied in a clinical trial at the LUMC to assess its diagnostic value.

After my PhD, I turned towards developing a novel system to investigate pathological brain networks in movement disorders combining functional MRI, measures of muscle activity, and a wrist manipulator. This involves a high-end MR-compatible robotic manipulator to apply external motor and sensory perturbations within the MR environment.

My fruitful national and international collaborations have already resulted in joint publications, the development of a commercially available robot manipulator (with MOOG) and the up-and-coming world’s-first MR-compatible haptic manipulator (current project).


PhD Thesis

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