Just Herder


Just Herder is a full professor of Interactive Mechanisms and Mechatronics at Delft University of Technology (0.8 fte) and of Mechanisms and Robotics Design at the University of Twente (0.2 fte). He has widely published in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences and has received several international awards. He is an ASME fellow, Executive Committee member and Treasurer of IFToMM, board member of several international conferences, associate editor in different international journals, and Editor-in-Chief in another one. Six start-up companies have emerged from his research and he holds over a dozen international patents in different areas of mechanism design. He held visiting positions at Laval University, Canada, and at MIT, USA, as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar.

Research Interests

My interest is in mecha(tro)nical systems with remarkable behavior and their applications. In particular I am interested in those mechanisms that effect or are affected in a special way by interaction with their environment, called Interactive Mechanisms, at macro and micro scale. The focus is on the development of new technology, methods and techniques, such as static balancing, dynamic balancing, compliant mechanisms, precision engineering and mechatronics, parallel mechanisms, cable driven manipulators, underactuated grasping. Applications fields include robotics, high-tech industry, MEMS, haptic devices, medical and rehabilitation engineering.

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