1. Elaboration Question 4

Course subject(s) 1. Wastewater treatment plant overview

Question 4 Solids in wastewater

The following acronyms are used to describe solids in wastewater.

a) Describe what each acronym stands for.

b) Draw a flow chart to illustrate how they are measured from a wastewater treatment sample.

c) The following results were gained from solids measurement of a 1 l wastewater sample:

    • after evaporation at 103 °C: 720 mg
    • after evaporation and furnace at 550 °C →350 mg
    • filter after evaporation at 103 °C: 220 mg
    • filter after evaporation and furnace at 550 °C: 55mg

Identify or calculate all the values of the solids groups listed in the table above for this wastewater sample.

d) Calculate the organic fraction of the total solids, suspended solids, and filterable solids.

Acronym Meaning Procedure for measurement

Elaboration Question 4

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Urban Sewage Treatment by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/urban-sewage-treatment/.
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