3.4 Improve your business – Introduction
Course subject(s)
3. Financial soundness
Let’s see if we can do a financial check-up for your company and check it’s profitability! For this financial check-up we will be using a profit calculator.
Note: Since this might have information that you would rather keep private, the assignment will be a self-assessment. You will not need to upload your work.
We have created a guide for using the profit calculator in this assignment. This guide can be found here or found through the businessmakeover.eu website. Please note that this guide is an Excel file. The file contains an explanation on how to use the tool (in a group), an example for Aircare systems and an empty sheet of the profit calculator tool. Make sure to check all sheets of the Excel file.
Since it’s filled with formulas to calculate your revenue and profits, Excel is a requirement. There is no .doc or .pdf template.
Note: if you would like to see another example for using the profit calculator tool, see the next page / unit or click here. We have created a short assignment video in which we provide two possible answers to the assignment.
Business Model Testing by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/business-model-testing/.