Four Examples of Sustainable Urban Development

Course subject(s) 7 Synthesis

In the next video, examples of synthesis and the integration of different urban environmental elements are shown. Arjan van Timmeren will present four case studies.

1. Quarter Vauban, a former French military base in Freiburg, Germany. This site was redeveloped as a residential area with strong emphasis on sustainability, liveability and citizen empowerment.

2. The Dutch GWL area in Amsterdam. Here a residential area, mixed with working places and amenities, has been realized inside the city on a redeveloped former drinking water production area. It shows a dense, car-free urban living area with space for green (community) gardening.

3. Hammarby Sjöstad, a district in Stockholm, Sweden. It is larger than the previous two examples but has similar building density. The district is designed around a centrally positioned water area and maximises the use of ecosystem services. It is a typical example of how areas just outside city centres can be redeveloped in a sustainable manner.

4. Västra Hamne, the B01 neighbourhood in Malmö, also Sweden, can be considered an island. It is an extension of the existing city. As a compact urban area, it tries to integrate multiple ecosystems services with green, car-free outdoor living environments. Bio-swales and the uncoupling of surface runoff from sewerage systems are examples of blue-green infrastructures in this case study.

A selection of the themes that these cases integrate and synthesize are shown in the figure below.

We challenge you to find more connections between the video and the content of this MOOC. What are the pros and cons of each of the cases? Are these types of integration possible in your urban environment? What experience did you make with the these sorts of developments? And do you know about similar cases?

Video: Four Examples of Sustainable Urban Development

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Sustainable Urban Development by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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