Sustainable City Harbour, Rotterdam (the Netherlands)

Course subject(s) 7 Synthesis

“How can we move from a list of initial obvious solutions towards an overall vision, and from there, to a tailor-made plan?” Nico Tillie raises this question in his video in module 6.5.1. The next video takes you to 2040. It shows you a vision of how the inner harbor of the city of Rotterdam (the Netherlands) can be transformed into a sustainable urban area. There are several aspects of our matrix covered in this video. Some of these are:

  • Shape & Structure and Urban Growth is demonstrated by how many harbor cities focus on the redevelopment of old harbor areas;
  • Urban Services, Infrastructure & Transport, and Urban Growth is demonstrated in the car-free neighborhood design;
  • Urban Services, Infrastructure &  Transport, and Climate change is demonstrated through all electric transport and energy generation and energy storage options and carbon capture and storage (CCS);
  • Urban Services, Infrastructure &  Transport and Digitization & Geo(Data) is demonstrated through the use of smart grids and other high-tech applications;
  • Natural Resources & Urban Growth is demonstrated in the design for solar accesses and compact build volumes;
  • Liveability & Urban Living, Socio-economic Change, and Policy & Governance demonstrates the collective responsibility and the control of the citizens over their environment.

We challenge you to find more connections between the content of this video and this MOOC. Do you agree with the case? Are these types of integrations possible in your urban environment?

Video: Sustainable City Harbour, Rotterdam (the Netherlands)

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