1. Electronic Power Conversion – Introduction

Course subject(s) Module 1: Introduction

In this lecture dr. Popovic first explaines what the function of power electronics is, how efficiency is determined and what the difference is between linear and switching power conversion. Additionally it is looked at where power electronics is applied in real life and how it can help save energy.
This is parallel to the first chapter of the book by Mohan et al.

During the first lecture a video, made by the European Center for Power Electronics, is shown.
The video consists of four parts and treats the role of power electronics, technological aspects, efficiency and the role of electronic power conversion in the renewable energy sector.

The video can be found here.

Creative Commons License
Electronic Power Conversion by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/electronic-power-conversion/.
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