2.2.5 Superdense coding

Course subject(s) Module 2: Working with Multiple Qubits

After seeing how entanglement can be achieved between two non-interacting parties, we shift our focus to a slightly different application of quantum mechanics in information processing. Listen to Gustavo explaining Superdense Coding, and you will see how it is possible to transmit two classical bits by sending one single qubit.

  • Entanglement can be exploited to allow two parties to share two classical bits of information by sending one single qubit.
  • By manipulating the received qubit, the second party can transform the initial Bell state to any other state in the Bell basis.
  • The first party then recovers these transformations using a Bell state analyzer.
  • Since the two parties used an entangled state, information transmission is also secure.
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Fundamentals of Quantum Information by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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