2.3 Calculation (with Python)

Course subject(s) 2. Improving the model

Python program for Euler’s Method

In the previous section Euler’s Method was introduced, and now you can approximate the solution of a differential equation. Of course calculations by hand are inefficient. The method is very suitable to implement in a computer program: much faster and probably more accurate. So in this section, you will use Python to simulate the same solutions.

You can download the basic code for Euler’s method here: Basic_Euler.py.

Run it, and see what it does!

Basic_Euler.py: header and initialisations

# Program      : Euler's Method
# Author       : MOOC team Mathematical Modelling Basics
# Created      : April, 2017

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

print("Solution for dP/dt = 0.7*P")

Dt = 0.1         # timestep Delta t  
P_init = 10      # initial population
t_init = 0       # initial time
t_end = 5        # stopping time
n_steps = int(round((t_end-t_init)/Dt)) # total number of timesteps 

P_arr = np.zeros(n_steps + 1)   # create an array of zeros for P 
t_arr = np.zeros(n_steps + 1)   # create an array of zeros for t 
t_arr[0] = t_init               # add the initial t to the array 
P_arr[0] = P_init               # add the initial P to the array

Basic_Euler.py: Iterations Euler’s Method

for i in range (1, n_steps + 1):
    P = P_arr[i-1]
    t = t_arr[i-1]
    dPdt = 0.7*P              # calculate the derivative
    P_arr[i] = P + Dt*dPdt    # calculate P on the next time step
    t_arr[i] = t + Dt         # adding the new t-value to the list

Basic_Euler.py: Plotting the results

fig = plt.figure()                      # create figure
plt.plot(t_arr, P_arr, linewidth = 4)   # plot population vs. time

plt.title('dP/dt = 0.7P, P(0)=10', fontsize = 25) 
plt.xlabel('t (in days)', fontsize = 20)
plt.ylabel('P(t)', fontsize = 20)

plt.xticks(fontsize = 15)
plt.yticks(fontsize = 15)
plt.grid(True)                          # show grid 
plt.axis([0, 5, 0, 200])                # define the axes
plt.show()                              # show the plot
# save the figure as .jpg
fig.savefig('Rainbowfish.jpg', dpi=fig.dpi, bbox_inches = "tight")

As you have seen in the previous section, a large time step of 7 days leads to results that are not valid for the rainbowfish population. In the next video you will see what happens when the stepsize is reduced.

Euler's method

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In the video you have seen that a step size of 1 day is not too large to obtain reasonable results. Now it is time for you to do some programming yourself.

Our problem:

Find teq such that P(teq)=720, when

In the exercises you will be asked to give the values your computer program returns. You can see those values (for example for index=21) by typing in the IPython console:    t_arr[21]    and    P_arr[21]. Alternatively, you can put print statements in your program and run it (again).
Creative Commons License
Mathematical Modeling Basics by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/mathematical-modeling-basics/.
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