3.1.2 What is repair?

Course subject(s) Module 3: Repair

Any technical product is in danger of breaking. To pick up the principle of reuse and to keep products as long as possible in use, we need to repair them. But what´s behind these term and how could it be realized for satisfaction of all: Customers, Functions of the products and for the income of the companies?

Max Prumbohm, PhD researcher at Clausthal University of Technology, Faculty of mechanical engineering, explains the different models of repair, and how they relate to the other loops in the Circular Economy diagram.

  • Keep in mind: The functions of a product have to be fullfilled, while the costs have to be as low as possible.
  • Damage is expected for every product. Consequently the need for repair will usually occur.
  • The definition of repair differs: From simply replacing batteries, up to a full disassembly.
  • Ease of repair depends on the design, the number and type of tools required, and the level of technical expertise.
  • Two types of business models for Design for repair: Repair by companies on the one hand, and on the other hand the repair by customers themselves.
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Engineering Design for Circular Economy by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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