3.3.1 Smart Cities Applications
Course subject(s)
Module 3. Planning Smart Sustainable Cities Initiatives
In order to develop proper planning, the identification of different problems, applications and actual solutions related to smart sustainable cities is essential. In this section, we will focus on smart cities application, mainly on the technological pillar of this system, the digital infrastructures.
Moreover, this lecture emphasizes an important base of digital infrastructures of SSC: Software. To realize how to solve problems with software, it is crucial to understand the software’s nature and its characteristics.
Software can be described as engineering products that combined domain knowledge, developer knowledge, and software engineering knowledge. The software applied in the SSC environment generally relies on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). As an example, city components are connected through software applications for mobile devices in fields such as transport and security. Therefore, urban planners can use technology to improve urban planning processes and create better cities for people to live and work in.
Generally, the process of developing an application can be summarized in five main steps:
- Understand the problem to solve
- Design a solution
- Code the solution
- Test the solution
- Deliver the solution
In the next video, Prof. Mg. Pablo Thomas presents these concepts in more detail, analyzing different issues, technologies, and methodologies for designing mobile services, and presenting some actual solutions for Smart Sustainable Cities.
Web Lecture Smart Cities Applications
Main Takeaways
- Technology tries to help citizens and urban planners to use recourses in a more intelligent way.
- The information collected on mobile applications can be organized into five categories: informational, transactional, utility, gaming, and wayfinding.
- The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) promotes citizen participation in the governance of cities.
- Some urban planning fields that include Applications in Smart Cities are transport, security, urban waste, and energy management.

Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/smart-and-sustainable-cities-new-ways-of-digitalization-and-governance/ /