3.3.2 Building as a Circular Product

Course subject(s) Module 3. Building

In this interview with Mo, Menno Rubbens, architect and project developer at Cepezed projects, explains the business model behind the temporary courthouse in Amsterdam.

Interview with Menno Rubbens


  • The building designed as a circular product implies that value is added by designing through a kit of parts. The different life-cycles are integrated through the design. The temporary courthouse is can change its functionality to become an office.
  • Contrary to the linear business model (take-make-waste), the circular model is based on enabling multiple lives to potentially generate different revenues through different life-cycles.
  • Identifying the key performance indicators that lead to circularity in the early stages of a project, and in collaboration with other stakeholders, is an important strategy that differs from traditional linear design, and should be taken into account.

Menno Rubbens explained that contrary to the linear business model, the circular model is based on enabling multiple lives for buildings which generate revenues through different life-cycles. The buildings might be perceived as a circular product: they are used, dismounted and reused on a different site with a different function.

Creative Commons License
Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/circular-economy-for-a-sustainable-built-environment//.
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