3.3.4 Cases

Course subject(s) Module 3 – Stakeholders and Sectors

The smart cities sector contains a lot of stakeholders. Two of the stakeholders share their take on big data with us.

First of all, Hedwig Miessen, Programme Manager ICT of the city of De Hague, shares her view on big data and smart cities. The interview contains two parts:

Video Smart City of The Hague I

  • introduction of the smart city of De Hague
  • using big data for smart cities
  • examples of areas of urban live affected by big data

Video Smart City of The Hague II

  • stakeholders in smart cities
  • future smart city development
  • how living in smart cities will change in the coming years

Second, Timber Haake, Senior Reseacher at Delft University of Technology and Senior Advisor at InnoValor, a research based consultancy about ICT driven innovation, shares his take on the start-up Data Moove (http://data-moove.fr/en/data-moove-research-development).

Video Data Moove

We wish you a lot of insights and inspiration from the videos.

Smart cities: The City of The Hague part 1

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Smart cities: The City of The Hague part 2

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Smart cities: Data Moove

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Big Data Strategies to Transform Your Business by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/big-data-strategies-to-transform-your-business/.
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