3.3.4 Quantum dot qubits
Course subject(s)
Module 3: Quantum Compiling and Quantum Dots
Now that you understand how quantum dots work, you will see how they are used as qubits. In this video, Menno will talk about the different types of quantum dot qubits along with their pros and cons.
- A charge qubit is a single electron in a double quantum dot. Despite its fast and all-electric control, this type of qubit decoheres very quickly.
- In a magnetic field, spin up and spin down states of an electron define a spin qubit. This kind of qubit benefits from a long life time (longer than one second), and a coherence time of up to tens of milliseconds.
- In the past two decades, more advanced qubit solutions based on multiple electrons and/or multiple quantum dots have been proposed and experimentally realized.
Fundamentals of Quantum Information by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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