3. Elaboration Question 2
Course subject(s)
3. Biological treatment
Question 2: Impact of temperature on microbial growth
Temperature is one of the key factors that influence microbial growth. Given that the average summer temperature is 20°C and the average winter temperature is 7°C, draw a graph representing the average heterotrophic bacteria growth rate for summer and winter using the information given below.
The Monod equation for bacterial growth is defined as :
\(\dfrac{dX}{dt}=\mu\cdot X\text{ with }\mu = \mu_{max}\dfrac{s}{(K_{s}+s)}\)
- X = Biomass concentration
- S = Substrate concentration
- Ks = Monod coefficient (substrate affinity)
- μ = Growth rate
- μmax = temperature dependent and the relationship represented in the equation below:
- \(\mu_{max,T}=\mu_{max,20}\theta^{(T-20)}\)
The different parameters are given in the table below.
Parameter | Value | Units | |
\(K_{s}\) | 5 | g BOD/m3 | |
At 20 °C: | \(\mu_{max}\) | 6 | g VSS/g Vss.d |
At 20 °C: | \(\theta\) for calculating: \(\mu_{max,T}\) | 1.07 | - |

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