4.2.1 Air Quality in Beijing

Course subject(s) Module 4 – Energy and Air 1: Living with the Haze

Introduction to Air Quality in Beijing

In the previous video, you got a general introduction to air quality in cities. In this video, we will zoom-in on the air quality of Chinese cities and Beijing in particular. Today air quality is a widely discussed topic in Beijing and many other cities in China. Dr. Jia Xing from Tsinghua University in Beijing will tell about ‘the haze’ that often hovers above the city and he will introduce you to some of the ways in which the city counters its severe air pollution.

Introduction to Air Quality in Beijing

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Citizens Co-creating Sustainable Cities by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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