4.3.1 Timmerhuis – Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

Course subject(s) 4. Detail + Tolerances

From Germany, we travelled closer to home and stopped over in Rotterdam.  Timmerhuis is a new building for the city hall, where the façade doctors have arranged to meet their colleague Mauro Overend. The chat today is about structural design of façades.

Building: Timmerhuis
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Year: 2015
Architect: J.R.A. Koops and Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA)
Façade engineer: Scheldebouw B.V.
 Dr. Mauro Overend, Professor of Structural Design and Mechanics, Delft Technical University

Watch the interview and add your notes to the stickies below.

Structural systems

Structural design of façades:




Impact loads

Building structure / façade structure

Global design / detail design: 


Façade structure

Detail design

Connection to building


How to decide the system/material:


Strategies for the design

Which system?

Which material?

Creative Commons License
Façade design and engineering: complexity made simple by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/facade-design-and-engineering-complexity-made-simple/
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