4.3.2 Citizens and Air Quality in Beijing

Course subject(s) Module 4 – Energy and Air 1: Living with the Haze

Citizens and Governmental action on PM2.5

Towards the end of the previous video, Gert Spaargaren mentioned the recent increase in online activity by NGOs and Chinese citizens or so called ‘netizens’. Indeed, many Chinese citizens have at some point been engaged in monitoring and measuring air quality themselves. Last couple of years, different datasets and sometimes conflicting interpretations of air quality in China proliferated.

The next video addresses the uncertainties with respect to air quality data and how citizens and the government deal with them. In an interview with Fan Yechao, you will learn what citizens in Beijing think of PM2.5 and how they perceive the ways in which air quality problems are addressed by the government. Do they believe that the Chinese government will be effective in creating a ‘blue sky that lasts’ above Beijing?

Citizens and Governmental Action on PM2.5

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Citizens Co-creating Sustainable Cities by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/citizens-co-creating-sustainable-cities/.
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