4.3.2 Movelt! Setup Assistant – Part 2
Course subject(s)
Module 4. Manipulation
In this lecture, we will continue our setup of MoveIt! We will learn how to use the MoveIt! Setup assistant tool that helps us configure almost everything we need to work with MoveIt!
Robot Poses define sets of joint values for particular planning groups. In this context in MoveIt! poses are defined as sets of joint values.
- Define two sets of joint values
Robot 1
- Press on Add Pose
- Planning Group: robot1
- robot1_shoulder_pan_joint: move the slider slightly (0.4143 rad)
- robot1_shoulder_lift_joint: -1.57 rad (90deg turn)
- robo1_wrist_1_joint: -1.57 rad (90deg turn)
- Pose Name: R1Up
Robot 2
- Press on Add Pose
- Planning Group: robot2
- robot1_shoulder_pan_joint: move the slider slightly (0.4143 rad)
- robot2_shoulder_lift_joint: -1.57 rad (90deg turn)
- robot2_wrist_1_joint: -1.57 rad (90deg turn)
- Pose Name: R2Up
Once we define the real controllers the motion will look much smoother.
In the unit End Effectors, we can define the set of links and joints. Also, we can let MoveIt! plan our end effectors.
- For now, we leave it empty
Passive Joints specify one or multiple robot joints as passive. MoveIt! will then consider these joints as not available for planning.
Author Information is required as this generates a ROS package.
- Name
Generate Configuration Files contain files with information about the choices we made in the previous steps so the MoveGroup node can use it.
- specify the desired directory
- Generate Package
- confirm that no end effectors have been added
Let’s take a quick look at the generated ROS package.
$ cd src/hrwros/hrw
$ cd config
$ cd ../launch
We see configuration files and a launch folder containing a lot of launch files. We will focus mostly on move_group.launch
Hello (Real) World with ROS - Robot Operating System by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/hello-real-world-with-ros-robot-operating-systems//.