4.3.3 Challenges of Legislations for Recycling (2/2)
Course subject(s)
Module 4 Futureproof Design for Recycling
The ongoing developments in policy and changing regulations for chemical substances, can affect the recycling business. In the video below, experts from recycling companies Comet and Coolrec explain this in detail and share how designers can contribute to this issue.
Regrettable substitutions
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Main takeaways
- The restrictions for the use of chemical substances in products leads to challenges for the recycling of products that were produced before those legislations existed.
- Recyclers expect an ongoing change in regulations, for instance for flame retardants. This will lead to a future challenge if there are no technologies in place to identify and separate these substances in the recycling process.
- Designers can contribute to solving this problem by designing products in a way that plastics containing any flame retardant are easy to separate from the rest of the plastics in a mechanical or chemical recycling process.