4.3.3 Two quit gates

Course subject(s) Module 4. Superconducting quits

Closing the video series of operations on superconducting qubits, Adriaan Rol will tell you more about two qubit gates.

Main takeaways

  • In transmon qubits, a the two qubit CPhase- or CZ-gate is used to form the universal gate set, which is implemented by tuning in and out of resonance with an interaction in the two-excitation manifold.
  • The qubit-qubit coupling in transmons is mediated through a coupling resonator allowing convenient physical separation between qubits.
  • Applying a current to the flux-bias line, the flux through the SQUID loop of the transmon changes allowing control of the qubit’s frequency.
  • To avoid energy transfer to undesired states, a fast-adiabatic pulse that minimizes leakage is used.
  • The key challenge in flux-pulsing based CZ-gates is correcting for distortions caused by electrical components in the signal path between the wave generator and the qubits.
Creative Commons License
The Building Blocks of a Quantum Computer: Part 1 by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/the-building-blocks-of-a-quantum-computer/.
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