4.3 Delta and Estuary Interventions

Course week(s) Week 4
Course subject(s) Interventions

Welcome to the third lecture of the module Interventions. In the video below you will learn about Delta and estuary interventions from Mark Voorendt.


As reading material on Delta and estuary interventions  lecture an article is provided.

In this article of ir. Ties Rijcken en prof. Matthijs Kok, both employees of Delft University of Technology, it is explained how the re-distribution of river discharges contributes to flood risk reduction. The discharge through various river branches and tidal inlets can be regulated with help of dams with moveable gates (also called ‘control objects’ in this article). In estuaries, high water levels can come from two sides: storm surges form sea and high river discharges from the other side.

It is demonstrated that alterations in the discharge distribution have not only local consequences, but also influence water levels in other branches. This kind of interventions also directly affects shipping, ecology, industry and urban functions.

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Introduction to Water and Climate by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/introduction-water-climate/.
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