4.4.1 Innovation for Urban Transformation
Course subject(s)
Module 4. Managing Smart Sustainable Cities
In this section, we will keep focusing on the Public Administration of SSC Initiatives. However, now we will highlight theĀ Public Sector Innovation (PSI), the different types of innovation in this sector, and how innovation has begun to gain attention in urban transformation and smart sustainable cities.
But first, what is Public Sector Innovation?
Public sector innovation focuses on improving services, communication, methods, and processes in the public sector (European Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard, 2020).
PSI differs from private innovation because its goals are mainly different, and the complex and unique environment presents structural and cultural challenges that contrast with those in the private sector.
In the following video, Dr. Robert Krimmer introduces the definition of Public Sector Innovation (PSI) and its different types and drivers. Moreover, he explains its importance for urban transformation and the policy trends associated with this concept.
Public Sector Innovation and Urban Transformation
Main Takeaways
- Public Sector Innovation can be very different from one government to another, and these types vary according to the uncertainty of the innovation and the way it is directed. We can distinguish between enhancement-oriented, mission-oriented, adaptive, and anticipatory innovation.
- There are internal and external drivers to Public Sector Innovation. Internal drivers are related to management and internal organizational climate. On the other hand, external drivers can be political, economic, social, technological, ecological, and legal factors.
- Some trends in Public Sector Innovation related to urban transformation projects are using digital technologies for smart mobility projects and the partnerships between citizens and civil society, incentivizing citizens’ co-production, and co-designing public spaces.

Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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