5.4.1 The Design for Values approach

Course subject(s) Module 5. How to Design for Values (DfV)


In this section, we will explain how we can translate values into design requirements and explain the DfV-matrix. Subsequently, we will go more in depth: how can we actually articulate values?

Please do check the key readings for this section.

The Design for Values concept

Why Design for Values?

To  summarize, we distinguish three main interaction mechanisms between design and values, or reasons to do design for values:

1. Mitigation of value failures of design

New technologies can be rejected by users or society because of mismatches between the values the technologies embody and the values users or society hold; by design for values such mismatches can be anticipated and avoided.

2. Embodiment of values in design

Designers consciously or unconsciously incorporate moral and social values into their designs – doing this more consciously and better improves products, services and systems.

3. Generation of values through design

Design can have an impact on the values of users and society, and can thus deliberately be used to generate or stimulate certain values.



In the next part we will discuss how we can articulate values.  But do check first our key reading Translating values into design requirements

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Responsible Innovation: Building Tomorrow’s Responsible Firms by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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