6.1.3 Where is Europe Moving to?

Course subject(s) Module 6. Conclusion

David Peck researches and teaches in the field of the circular design and critical materials. Together with Tillmann Klein, he will discuss the circular future of Europe and its urgency. They will explore current projects supporting the transition towards circularity in the built environment, their technology, the stakeholders involved and the importance of societal engagement.

Where is Europe Moving to?


  • We need to start acting now in order to meet the goal of 50% reduction of the materials, energy and carbon that we use as well as the 17 SDGs.
  • The debate about the connection between circularity and sustainability is on. According to David Peck, it is the urgency of actions that is important, not their name.
  • The transition towards the Circular Economy is challenging since there is very low demand from society. The transition might start from governments: they can stimulate companies to go circular and encourage the cooperation between business, academia, NGOs and society.
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Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/circular-economy-for-a-sustainable-built-environment//.
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