6.2.1 Circularity indicators
Course subject(s)
Module 6. Track II – Circular solutions
A short introduction to circular economy
In a circular economy (CE) products have to be designed for a low environmental impact, long lifetime, and recovery of products, parts or materials at the end of life. Product integrity is a key concept in the circular economy. Product integrity can be preserved through long life, lifetime extension (maintenance and repair) and product recovery approaches (refurbishment, parts harvesting). If product integrity cannot be maintained or is unfavourable, material integrity can be achieved through structural reuse of the materials or material recycling.
Indicators are critical to assessing progress. Defining suitable indicators is complicated by the fact that circular economy has specific sustainability targets (low environmental impact), a relatively strong focus on resources (regenerative, zero waste) and simultaneously stresses attractiveness to business (economic viability).
In case you are not yet or not any more familiar with the concept of circular economy you can read more on the Ellen McArthur Foundation website.
Making our economy more circular plays an important role in securing more raw materials and using less resources. Watch David Peck from TU Delft explain to you what indicators exist for implementing a circular economy and its principles.
Circular indicators
Raw Materials: Managing Resources for a Sustainable Future by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/critical-raw-materials-managing-resources-for-a-sustainable-future/ /