6.2.4 Data and Governance

Course subject(s) Module 6. Considering digital innovation

Governance is needed to ensure that the whole system works properly. Governance is about allocating authorities to ensure that the data can be used. For this, governance contains policies, allocates responsibilities, and establishes procedures to ensure that the necessary information is communicated to all involved. Therefore understanding the nature of data is important.

In the following web lecture, Professor Marijn Janssen describes the concept of data, the need for governance, and governance mechanisms.

Data and Governance

Main Takeaways

  • Data is created by collecting data about reality. This can be done using sensors or by adding data manually. Real-world observations are translated into symbols.
  • Governance should ensure that the value creation process is not fragmented and works in concert.
  • The chain perspective is a suitable perspective to start for the creation of governance arrangements., however, there is also the planning and control approach, the organizational hierarchy approach, and the risk-based approach.
  • Governance is not static and changes over time. Balancing is the keyword when determining governance arrangement.
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Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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