6.2.5 Fairphone Part 1
Course subject(s)
Module 6: Conclusion
In the following video, David Peck interviews Miquel Ballester who is co-founder and responsible for Product Management and Innovation at Fairphone. Fairphone is a company which produces modular smartphones that do not contain conflict materials such as tin, gold, tantalum etc. Fairphone aims at raising the awareness among consumers and implement fair labour conditions along the product’s supply chain.
Miquel will tell us more about the design of the smartphone and the possibilities that the modular design provides.
Key Points:
- The main challenges for the company are related to the growth of the company and more precisely to the availability of components.
- The modularity helps overcome the challenges connected with the resource availability. Part of a component of the phone might stop being manufactured. As result of the modularity, the component might be redesigned and parts substituted but the phone and the module remain in use.
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