6.3.6 Tutorial Compl. Pick behaviour

Course subject(s) Module 6. Final

In this video is a tutorial on how to set up a FlexBE behavior. It will show you the steps required and give you some tips on what to think of when configuring a FlexBE behavior .

In this video you were shown how to configure a complete FlexBE behavior, by entering the values for all state parameters and input and output keys.

      • Don’t forget to use quotation marks when entering literal string values.
      • Don’t forget to hit the Apply button when your done configuring a state.
      • When stumbling across undetermined output keys,  you can do the following: hover over the name of the output key. This will show you what data type the output key expects. Next, you create a new user data variable with that data type.
      • Sometimes it might seem that configuring the states of your behavior in FlexBE takes a lot of clicking. Often using the same variables. But think of how much work all this would be coding this in your own nodes or scripts, passing values trough functions and assigning them to variables. This would also be more prone to errors.
      • State parameters (or input and output keys) can have the same or similar names the value you need to enter for another state parameter, but they are two different things. By coincidence names might be the same or similar.
      • Don’t forget to save the changes you made to your behavior!

In the next video you will learn how to execute the FlexBE behavior we just created.

After installing this week’s files, you can open with FlexBE an example behavior we provide, called “Pick part from conveyor“. This behavior is slightly different from the one presented in the videos, which was simplified for didactic purposes. The behavior in the Week 6 zip file includes more states and parameters, but the overall idea is the same and you can play around with it to understand the concepts presented in this unit.

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Hello (Real) World with ROS - Robot Operating System by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/hello-real-world-with-ros-robot-operating-systems//.
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