6. Publish

Course subject(s) 6. Publish

Questions and answers


Do you want to learn about publish?
Click on any of the questions below to see and hear the answer.


  • A: How and Where
  • B: Rules
  • C: Copyright
  • D: Impact


A: How and Where
Why do I need to publish my work?
Why is it important to consciously choose a particular journal?
How do I choose the right journal to publish a scientific article?
Why is it impoirtant to choose a particular conference?
How do I choose the right conference to present my work?
Why should opt for Open Access Publishing?
How do I choose the right publication form?
Which forms of publication exists?
Why can’t I publish my results on the web right away?
Why should I publish my research data?
How do I publish my research data?
Why should I choose to publish in a scholarly journal?
Why should I file a patent application?


B: Rules
What are the basic rules when writing?
How do I know which rules I must follow for submitting my publication?
Why is it so important to follow the publisher’s guidelines carefully?
How do I make sure that I consistently use the proper citation style?
How does the peer-review process work?


C: Copyright
What are the rules about copyright?
How can I apply copyright law correctly?
How do I choose my co-authors?
How can I make sure that my paper can be published in the TU Delft repository?
Why can I not divulge and distribute my published paper?
How can I use information published under ‘creative commons’ rights?
How can I publish under ‘creative commons’ rights?
What are my rights when publishing open access?


D: Impact
What kind of citation indicators are used?
How can I find information on the impact of my publication?
How can I find my own h-index?
What is the value of using indicators to measure the impact of your publication?

Links to TUlib about Publish


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Information Literacy for Master's and PhD students by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/information-literacy-for-masters-and-phd-students/.
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