6. Stability and Control
Course subject(s)
Module A: Introductory module
Below you will find the first clip on Stability & Control. Why is this topic still relevant, after 100 years of flight? You’ll learn it here!
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Below you will find the second clip of the Stability & Control lecture, this time on the controls of early and modern aircraft. These controls are essential for proper aircraft control.
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In his third videoclip of this lecture, Mr. Hoekstra discusses the angles and axes, which we define for our analysis of aircraft stability. We also investigate the relationship between the controls of the previous lecture and the rotations of aircraft.
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Before going on to the derivation of the condition for (longitudinal static) stability for an aircraft, we need to investigate what ‘stability’ actually is. That is what is done in this clip!
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Should Professor Hoekstra have failed to convince you with all of his theory in the previous clip, the clip below provides practical proof that the theory he presented is indeed correct.
In this paper plane demonstration during a lecture at Delft University of Technology, Mr. Hoekstra’s students demonstrate (using paper planes) that what you just learned on longitudinal static stability is indeed correct!
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A topic related to the stability of aircraft is their characteristic movement in response to certain disturbances. In this clip, we will go through these characteristic oscillations.
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Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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