7.4.4 Space for Green
Course subject(s)
Module 7 – Urban Food&Green: The Use of Urban Spaces
(Co-)Managing Rotterdam’s Roof Garden
In this video, Dr. Emma Puerari will introduce the Dakpark (Roof Garden) in Rotterdam which is an example of one of the emerging forms of governance for green urban areas. This public-private-people partnership involved citizens and neighbourhood associations from the early stages of the planning process onwards. Today, there’s a ‘rooftop association’ that is responsible for managing a specific area of the park. Emma will explain how, over time, the different stakeholders fuse traditional top-down and bottom-up modes of governance in innovative ways. Co-creation by citizens becomes embedded in more or less permanent structures.
Innovations in Urban Green Management: Dakpark, Rotterdam
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Citizens Co-creating Sustainable Cities by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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