9.2.3 Panel Sessions I

Course subject(s) Module 9 – Synthesis: The Dynamics of Co-creation

Co-creation and Data

One of the topics that has continuously been popping up during the MOOC is data. For instance, we have seen data being gathered by (citizen) scientists, playing a role in smart cities, and being used by citizens and NGOs to push their political interests. It seems as if as soon as you start talking about co-creation on urban sustainability topics, that data is never far away. Why is this? And what can we say about the role of data in different forms of co-creation and in relation to different urban stakeholders? These questions are at the heart of the following panel discussion, where Gert Spaargaren will talk again with prof. Maarten Krol (host of Air Quality), Ilse Voskamp (Water & Waste Water), dr. Sanneke Kloppenburg (Energy Storage), dr. Jotte de Koning (Food & Green Space), and Walter Fraanje (Energy & Air).

Co-creation and Data

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Citizens Co-creating Sustainable Cities by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/citizens-co-creating-sustainable-cities/.
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