Data preparation methods
Course subject(s)
Data preparation methods
Duration and Associated literature
Hour 1: 38:33
Hour 2: 33:51
Robson, C., (2002) Real world research: A resource for social scientists and practioner-researchers (2nd ed). Malden: MA, Blackwell. (Chapter 13, p. 391-p491).
These two hours extensive examples are given by using SPSS in class. The follwing topics are interactively presented: data coding, measures of central tendency, measures of variability, explorative data analysis, data cleaning, normal distribution, standardizing data, and confidence intervals. In the recording of these two hours you can see the explanation and live usage of SPSS. Many commands and menus of SPSS are shown to explain the topics mentioned here. The first hour covers the topics upto histogram and boxplot. The seond hour covers handling outliers upto confidence intervals.

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