From Analysis to Synthesis
Course subject(s)
7 Synthesis
In the next video, Egbert Stolk will explain how one can move from analyses to synthesis to ensure that the design of an urban area will meet the initial sustainability objectives. Instead of starting with the design of an urban area (Form), which results in an Operation and Actual Performance, he argues that the sustainability objectives (Desired Performance) should first be determined. Once these are set, the required Operation and the needed Form can be deducted. Hence, the urban design will support and result in the desired sustainability.
The main focus of this video is on Urban Shape & Structure. However, the same line of thought can be applied to Urban Services, Infrastructure & Transport, Natural Resources (e.g. designing urban water infrastructure to enable resource recovery in stead of removal of resources), Liveability & Urban Living and Policy & Governance.
Can you think of any examples or cases where this is done? Are there cases where this was not done and how could it have been done differently?
Video: From Analysis to Synthesis
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