Introduction leadership mindsets

Course subject(s) 2. Leadership mindsets

Last week, we have introduced three leadership styles to you: transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and charismatic leadership. But there are more styles, such as servant, situational and trait-based leadership.

As an appetizer to a more detailed introduction of these leadership styles during the coming weeks of this MOOC, we would like you to meet Jack, John, Jay, and Jeff.

These four leaders all have their own leadership style. In the next minutes, you are going to watch short videos of Jack, John, Jay, and Jeff in which they present themselves and their style. After each video, you will be asked to indicate which leadership style was represented. Furthermore, we ask you to reflect on that style. Your answers will not be graded. This is a reflection exercise.

One of the leaders is a so-called Hero-leader. This type of leader is the prototype of trait-based leadership. The core belief of this style is that personal characteristics and behavior of the leader make the difference rather than the context in which the leader operates.

Another leader is a Chameleon leader. This type of leader is the prototype of situational leadership. The core belief of this style is that leadership is situation-specific and adapts as the world and people change.

We also have a Transformational leader, the prototype of transformational leadership. The core belief of this style is that a leader’s role is to be a role model, to create a shared vision, and to build a team’s trust and capacity to work together.

Finally, there is a Servant leader, the prototype of servant leadership. The core belief of this style is that the role of leadership is one of service, not just to customers but to employees as well.

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Leadership for Engineers by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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