Introduction leadership models

Course subject(s) 4: Leadership models

Welcome to part three of the course Leadership for Engineers. When we started the course, we first looked how the world is getting more and more complex. As a leader, it is not possible to make all stakeholders happy, and the outside world (e.g. shareholders, journalists) does not tolerate mistakes. Leaders need to make their own choices and decisions for their organization in a context of wicked and unstructured challenges.

This first part described this context. The second part of the course was about sharpening your knife as a leader. This second part was about you. For example, how to find your purpose and how to manage stress. You developed your own personal charter which can serve as a compass on your leadership journey.

In this part, we will bring the context and you together. You cannot always choose your context, but you can choose how you want to relate yourself to your context. That’s your personal leadership style. In this fourth week, we will review a number of leadership models and will suggest one leadership model that you can start working with. We will suggest concrete actions to develop this leadership style.

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Leadership for Engineers by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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