Introduction Unraveling Complexity

Course subject(s) 4. Unraveling Complexity

After the inspirational subject of emergence, we will focus on a totally different subject. This module is about complexity and we will discuss several ways to get grip on this challenging subject.

We will commence with defining complexity and we will take away the common misconception that complexity is something to avoid. The words ‘simplicity’ and ‘clarity’ are related to ‘complexity’ and we will argue that clarity is what you strive for in good images, not simplicity.

Then we will provide an overview of possible strategies to bring clarity in complex situations. We will look at techniques used by map makers and architects. We will also briefly touch upon the possibilities of digital visualizations of complex situations and we will compare these new and adaptable digital interfaces with the traditional fixed and printed images.

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Image|Ability - Visualising the unimaginable by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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