Reflect on your own career

Course subject(s) 4: Leadership models

Let us now use these insights and take a moment to reflect on our own careers. As we are engineers, the educational level is well-covered, so let us look at the other areas. I would like to ask you to reflect on the following experiences in your own career (our questions assume that you do have some work experience already):

  • Cross-functional experience:
    • Have you worked across more than one functional area? (e.g. engineering, manufacturing, sales, marketing, finance)
    • If yes, across which functional areas have you worked thus far? How did your perspective on your work change as you moved from one area to the next?
    • If no, what is your perception of your colleagues in other functional areas? Which are differences in the culture between your functional area and other functional areas within your company?
    • How would you go about further building your cross-functional experience? From whom would you need help in order to realize this ambition?
  • International assignment experience:
    • Have you lived and worked in multiple countries?
    • If not, would you have an opportunity to do this? How would you go about this?
    • How can you further round your international experience?
  • Tenure:
    • How long do you tend to stay in each job?
    • Have you taken an assignment through its full cycle from developing a vision and creating an action plan to driving it through to completion?
    • Which have been the moments of truth in your professional and personal life during which you have proved yourself in the face of adversity?
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Leadership for Engineers by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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