4.0.1 Welcome to module 4 of Designing Climate-Neutral industry and electricity generation

What is this module about?

Welcome to the final module of the course! This module, after having looked at the critical role of variable renewable electricity, we will explore the different strategies in dealing with this variability — and how to make choices between them.


The content of this module is split into five sections:

  1. Grids: balancing through space
  2. Storage: balancing through time
  3. Flexibility: balancing by adjusting demand
  4. Examining trade-offs between different options: energy system models
  5. Case study: Options for the European energy transition (Francesco)

Learning outcomes

The learning objectives for this module are:

  1. Describe the challenges in electricity systems with high shares of variable renewables
  2. Compare the main strategies to deal with variable renewable generation: storage, geographical balancing, and demand response
  3. Interpret results from energy system models designed to guide planning and policy


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