0.1.3 Meet the staff of Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation

Course subject(s) Module 0: Welcome to Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation

Below are the instructors that will be teaching you in this course:

Henri Werij

Henri Werij is the dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Since his appointment as dean, Prof. Werij has been working hard to make his vision of a clean sky revolution become reality. In this MOOC, he will be sharing his expertise and vision with you.


Arvind Gangoli Rao

Arvind Gangoli Rao is an professor of Propulsion & Power at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Driven by the question of how to make aviation greener, Dr. Gangoli Rao and his team research the design and functioning of aircraft, producing futuristic concepts with significantly reduced fuel consumption and emissions.


Irene Fernandez Villegas

Irene Fernandez Villegas is an associate professor of Aerospace Structures and Materials. Her expertise is in manufacturing and assembly techniques of sustainable composites. Although difficult to do, using these materials allows building lighter, more efficient aircraft. Next to her role as assistant professor, Dr. Fernandez Villegas was recently appointed to the position of sustainability officer of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.


Patricia Parlevliet

Patricia Parlevliet is a guest lecturer for TU Delft Aerospace Engineering besides her daily job leading research on future technologies at Central Research & Technology in Airbus. She received her MSc degree in Materials Science & Engineering and a PhD degree in Aerospace Engineering both at TU Delft in 2003 and 2010, respectively. Patricia’s areas of expertise are future sustainable technologies for aerospace and polymer composite materials.


Irene Dedoussi

Irene Dedoussi is a tenure-track assistant professor in the Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects section of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Her research aims to advance our understanding of the environmental impacts of combustion emissions from aviation and other sectors.


Jacco Hoekstra

Jacco Hoekstra is a professor of Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. His research is focused on experimenting with and developing new, more efficient ways of navigating aircraft and controlling our airspace.


Joris Melkert

Joris Melkert

Joris Melkert is a senior lecturer at the Flight Performance and Propulsion section of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Next to being a lecturer for several courses in the curriculum, Joris is often actively involved in sharing his knowledge on aviation with the general public.


Wim Haije

Wim Haije is an associate professor at the Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage section of TU Delft’s Applied Sciences faculty. As a materials scientist, Wim’s research is focused on designing the sustainable energy carriers of the future.


Mirjam Snellen

Mirjam Snellen is a professor of Acoustic Data Analysis and Imaging for Aviation Noise at the Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects section of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Mirjam is an expert on measuring, analyzing and understanding the noise generated by aircraft.


Maurice Hoogreef

Maurice Hoogreef is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Throughout his career he has worked on aircraft design – and systems integration – optimisation algorithms. Dr. Hoogreef will share his knowledge on aircraft design during this MOOC.


Bruno Santos

Bruno Lopes dos Santos was born and raised in Portugal. He completed his PhD at the civil engineering faculty at the University of Coimbra. Dr. Santos joined the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the TU Delft in 2013. Dr. Santos currently is an assistant professor on the topic of Airline Operations and the interim head of the group Air Transport and Operations.


Paul Roling

Paul Roling is a senior lecturer and researcher at the Airport Operations and Operations Research section of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Ir. Roling’s work focuses on improving the efficiency of airports and their operations. Next to this, he is in charge of the practical work introducing first-year students to the world of aerospace engineering.


Roelof Vos


Roelof Vos is an assistant professor at the Aerospace Engineering faculty of Delft University of Technology. His research focuses on the development of aircraft analysis methodologies for the conceptual design phase, the design of novel aircraft configurations and the assessment of emerging aviation technologies. Dr. Vos will share his knowledge on novel aircraft designs and also present some exciting examples of novel design, developed at the TU Delft.


Tomas Sinnige

Tomas Sinnige

Tomas Sinnige is an assistant professor at the Flight Performance and Propulsion section of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. His work focuses on propeller aerodynamics, experimental aerodynamics, and wing-propeller integration. In the course, he will share his expertise on novel aircraft configurations with distributed propulsion systems.


Carmine Varriale

Carmine Varriale

Carmine Varriale is an assistant professor at the Flight Performance and Propulsion section of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. He works on flight mechanics modelling and simulation of conventional and disruptive aircraft configurations, with a focus on the optimal employment of redundant control effectors. In the course, he will present the potential performance benefits of box-wing aircraft configurations.


Victor Rijkaart

Victor is a project leader in the field of Sustainable Aviation at the faculty of Aerospace Engineering. He co-founded the Aerospace Innovation Hub at TU Delft and thus leverages the innovation value of the interaction between students, researchers and corporates. Following his graduation in Aerospace Engineering in ’99, he pursued a career in the Aerospace Industry working for Airbus, CGI and GKN Fokker. Victor recently chose to focus on eliminating the negative effects of air travel as much as possible, while allowing aviation to keep on connecting the world. Where better than at TU Delft?

Creative Commons License
Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/sustainable-aviation-the-route-to-climate-neutral-aviation/
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