0.1.3 Readings for Designing Electronics for Recycling in a Circular Economy

Course subject(s) Module 0 Welcome to Designing Electronics for Recycling in a Circular Economy

1. A module-by-module overview of the course

Module 1: Design for Recycling at a Systems Level

Why do we need a circular economy and how can design for recycling solve the e-waste problem? Get acquainted with the recycling process on the systems level and the key drivers and barriers for recycling.

Module 2: Design for Recycling at the Product Level

What happens in the EEE recycling process and how can we design recyclable products? In this episode you will learn about the design guidelines for recyclable products and the selection of materials that are compatible to recycling. You will apply this knowledge in a hands-on assignment.

Module 3: Design for Recycling at the Material Level

How are different materials sorted in the plastics recycling process? Explore the latest developments of material sorting and discover the implications of designing and manufacturing with recycled plastics. You will apply this knowledge in a hands-on assignment.

Module 4: Futureproof Design for Recycling

How are the production, consumption and recycling systems expected to evolve in the future? Explore the expected social, technological and organizational developments in recycling and learn about the consequences this will have on design for recycling. You will apply the knowledge acquired over the past 4 episodes in a final exam.

2. Resources and Readings

This reading guide contains the source material for most of the courseware in this course on Design for Recycling of Electronics in a Circular Economy. Some of the books, reports and journal papers in this reading guide are freely available, while others might require an institutional subscription.

All of these materials are optional, for your background reading. 

Module 1: Design for Recycling at a Systems Level

Module 2: Design for Recycling at the Product Level

Module 3: Design for Recycling at the Material Level

Module 4: Future-proof Design for Recycling

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