0.2.1 Course structure of Façade design and engineering
Course subject(s)
0. Getting started with Façade design and engineering: complexity made simple
The course comprises of 5 modules spread over 6 weeks. This means that in the sixth week of the course there will not be new content to cover, but instead you’ll have the chance to catch up on any assignments you may have failed to complete on time.
Because this is an self-paced MOOC, all the content is available to you from the time you register. You can work through the course materials at your own pace, but we still recommend that you follow the order presented when studying the different modules.
Each module follows a simple design: we travel to three or four locations in Europe to chat to a façade expert and show in situ what they talk about. These interviews are recorded and form the bulk of the course content. After each video you will find a short quiz to help you digest the content of the interviews, and at the end of the module some compulsory readings and a main assignment.
We estimate that if you watch the videos, complete the quizzes, follow the readings and do the weekly assignments, you will spend approximately 4 hours each week working on the MOOC.
Façade design and engineering: complexity made simple by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/facade-design-and-engineering-complexity-made-simple/