1.0.1 Introduction to Module 1 of IIES01x

Course subject(s) 1. Integration of Renewables Into the Electricity Grid

Cover of module 1

Image composed of photos 1 and 2 under CC BY 2.0

Welcome to the first module of Technology of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems: Integration of Renewables into the Electricity Grid. In this module, you will discover the impacts, benefits, and challenges of the integration of renewable energy into the electricity grid.

The switch to renewable energy is inevitable. The first and foremost energy system to have a direct impact of switching to renewable energy from fossil fuels is the electricity grid. In this module, you will see:

  1. The biggest challenges facing the integration of renewable energy into the electricity grid
  2. The advanced technologies that may be beneficial in this arduous task
  3. By-products and benefits of integrating renewable sources into the electricity grid
  4. Controlling renewable energy integrated into the electricity grid
  5. The modern concept of microgrids and its significance
  6. The necessity of high voltage DC infrastructure

Finally, you will listen to Prof. Mart van der Meijden answering a few questions related to the challenges of renewable energy grid integration. You will also get to hear from him about the advanced RTDS lab at the Delft University of Technology and how it is used to advance research on safe and sustainable grid integration of renewable energy.

At the end of this module, you will have a comprehensive knowledge of how integrating renewable energy into the electricity grid will change the energy system from the ground up, what emerging technologies are used for safe and sustainable grid integration, and the benefits of grid integration of renewables.

Ready to start? Let’s go!

Where are you now?

As we proceed through the course, each introduction section will let you know where you are on your learning journey.

This module, you are at the start of the first module – Integration of Renewables into the Electricity Grid.

Module 1 location

Creative Commons License
Technology of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/technology-of-intelligent-and-integrated-energy-systems/
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