1.1.1 Introduction to Multidisciplinary Research

Course subject(s) Module 1. Introduction to Research

In this first part of the actual content of the course we will be introducing the concepts of research and the concept of multidisciplinary as opposed to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary.

[Image: Compiled fromĀ  Pixabay, CC0]

The first video lecture is on what we mean by research and the second video lecture explains the concepts of multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research. Each video lecture is followed by a short recap and some recommended reading on the topic.

Good luck and enjoy!

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Efficient HVAC Systems by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/efficient-hvac-systems//
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